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Identifying and Capturing Difference Making Top Talent

This past week I was in Los Angeles giving a Vistage speaker presentation to CEOs on "Identifying and Capturing Difference Making Top Talent. This presentation is updated for 2015 and focuses on assisting CEO's understand the how to identify and select top talent.

There is a lot of press recently about competency based hiring, behavioral hiring, and algorithmic decision-making, and all are valid methods when used with judgement and forethought. In these decisions, a candidate's past is prologue, and should not be dismissed lightly. While it is true that all people can change, employers take great risks when ignoring the physical evidence that data-driven decision-making can provide.

In hiring, the best predictors of future success are the candidate's history, performance, and behavior. These attributes show-up in the screening and selection process through a candidates talents, aptitudes, preparation, and behavior.

The 2015 presentation update explores the nuances, upsides and pitfalls of DIY talent search, contingency searches, and the retained executive search services. The program then cross-walks through ePraxis 10-step executive search and selection method from the job analysis, through sourcing, selection, contracting, and on-boarding the new hire.

Severin Sorensen's 2015 speaker schedule for "Identifying and Capturing Difference Making Top Talent" includes workshops in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, Vancouver (BC), and other North American locations. To find a workshop near you, contact us.


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